Pino Creek Ranch

All Natural Grass-Fed Beef

Born and Raised on the Range of the

Pino Creek Ranch in New Mexico




Our Ranch

Our Cattle

Our Meat






Party time at the Pino Creek Ranch

You have a choice


Today you have a choice of what you eat and where you get it from. We supply locally grown free-range beef: grass-fed, grass-finished, no grain, no antibiotics, no hormone growth enhancers. We identify and follow every animal from the day they are born. We welcome visitors to come and see our animals in their natural environment. We are so confident in our beef that we not only eat what we produce we feed it to our families and friends.



Health Benefits


Cattle that are grass-fed and finished demonstrate elevated levels of Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA). Research has shown that CLA and omega-3 reduce the incidence of cancer and may suppress the growth of tumors. Current research at Utah State University suggests that CLA fights cancer, heart disease, immune diseases, reduces body fat, and is anti-diabetic.

For a complete review of the health benefits of grass fed and finished animal products, visit the web site We think you will be impressed.

New York Steak

Our Customers


Currently we sell ¼, ½ and whole animals “on the hoof ”. Depending on the customer’s preference, we will ship the slaughter animals within a 160 Mile radius of the ranch to a USDA inspected processing facility. To minimize stress and improve quality, we like to keep shipping to an absolute minimum.

We love what we do, and we love to share it with our friends. So please contact us by email or phone if you’d like to visit or order the best beef available. We can even provide overnight accommodations in our bunkhouse for family, friends and visitors.






For orders and / or inquiries please send email to or call 575 – 641 5282